At Polish Dental Center Alpharetta, our goal is to make your child’s first dental visit enjoyable. No one is born afraid of the dentist, but most people do fear the unknown. Your child may feel anxious when visiting the dentist for the first time. Our dentists and team make every possible effort to help your child feel comfortable from the moment they arrive in our office. We are committed to helping them have a positive experience and develop a trusting relationship with our team.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends …
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children visit the dentist for the first time when their first tooth erupts, or no later than their first birthday. This ensures that your child’s newly-erupted teeth benefit from good dental care right from the start. It also allows us to help you learn the best ways to take care of your child’s mouth and smile so that you can teach your child good oral hygiene habits.
Tooth Eruption
Did you know that children develop their baby teeth during the second trimester of pregnancy? You can expect your child’s first tooth to erupt between 6-12 months of age, and for all 20 primary teeth to have erupted by age 3. The primary teeth will gradually fall out and be replaced by adult teeth beginning around age 6. By age 12 the permanent teeth should have all come in. Adults will have 28 permanent teeth (32 including the wisdom teeth, or “third molars”).
We recommend that you monitor your child’s teeth closely as they erupt. You may need to use cool gauzes or teething rings to minimize their discomfort while the teeth emerge. Also check for any lines or discolorations, and make sure to brush your child’s teeth regularly to prevent sugary foods and liquids from attacking the tooth and causing decay.
Brushing and Flossing Your Child’s Teeth
You can begin brushing your child’s teeth as soon as their first tooth erupts. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Do not use a fluoridated toothpaste for a child younger than 2 unless advised to do so by your child’s dentist. You can begin flossing your child’s teeth as soon as they have two adjacent teeth.
You will need to brush and floss for your child until they are about 7 years old. Prior to this time they may not have the motor skills necessary to thoroughly clean their teeth. Make sure that you review how to brush and floss with your child regularly so that they learn good oral habits.
The Importance of Regular Dental Checkups
Cavities are caused by leftover sugars in your child’s mouth. These sugars serve as a food source for bacteria, which then produce acid and break down the teeth. Children and adolescents are at particular risk for tooth decay, as in many cases they do not practice good oral hygiene habits regularly. We encourage you to bring your child to our office every six months for a dental cleaning and exam. Our dentists will provide preventive care, including dental sealants and fluoride treatments, to protect your child’s teeth.
Schedule an Appointment Today!
Book your appointment online or call Polish Dental Center Alpharetta at 770-642-4711 to learn more about pediatric dentistry in Alpharetta, Georgia, and schedule your child’s appointment with Dr. Tiffany Jamison-Rand and associates.